Feb. 28 - March 4

Hi Everyone,

Here is what we worked on this week:

Reading - In reading groups we created our own word search with our spelling words.  We also created a secret code that goes with our spelling words.  We also practiced reading out loud and on our understanding of the stories we have read.

Writing - We reviewed how to edit our own writing.  We also reviewed how to "GUM it" when we are writing.  GUM it means:

G - Give the hard word a try and sound it out using our letter sounds.

U - Underline it.

M - Move on.

This strategy is to help us to not get stuck on a word for too long.  We are trying to get all of our ideas on paper.

Math - We started measuring things today.  We used the words shortest, tallest, shorter than, and longer than.

Science - We started our unit on Exploring Liquids with our in-school field trip, Teacher's Pet.  Thank you so much to our parent volunteers that came to join us and help out.  

Social Studies - We are exploring our own community of Calgary.

Have a good weekend!