Jan. 17 - 21

Hi Again :-)

We had another great week of learning!  Here are some of the things we did:

Reading - In our reading groups this week we practiced our spelling words by making them into a word search and putting them in alphabetical order.  We also worked on reading with fluency when reading out loud.

Writing - We started learning about instructional writing.  We talked about how we need to be very specific and add details when writing instructions on how to do something.  We also talked about using transition words.

Math - We practiced double digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping.  We also did a few bar graphs.

Science - We talked about Hot and Cold again this week.  We talked about identifying safe practices for handling hot and cold materials and for avoiding potential dangers from heat sources.  We also practiced reading a thermometer.

Social Studies - We are looking into the community of Saskatoon.  We each have our own topic that we are researching and learning about.  Ask me how to get to Saskatoon and where we would stay!

Enjoy the amazing weather this weekend!