Nov. 8 - 19

We have been busy as usual in school these days.  Here is what we have been up to:

Reading - we continued to work on our reading skills during our reading centers time.  We practiced our decoding and comprehension strategies in our small groups.

Writing - We continued to talk about and practice using similes as a way to add more details into our writing.  

Math - We learned about 2 D shapes.  We did a 2-D shape hunt in our classroom and we even got to build 2-D shapes with marshmallows and toothpicks.  Ask me which shapes I built.

Science - We started our magnets unit.  We experimented on different items in the classroom to see if they were magnetic or not.

Social Studies - We "traveled" to Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada this week.  We are going to be learning a lot about their community.  Ask me what I have already learned.

Happy Friday!