Nov. 22 - 25

Hi Everyone,
Thanks so much for meeting with me for conferences.  It was so great to see everyone!  Here is what we did this week:

Reading - We created our own word search and practiced our spelling words in reading groups this week.  We continued to work on reading out loud in a clear voice, making sure to stop at periods.

Writing - We wrote a journal entry and did another writing activity called would you rather.  We came up with this question: Would you rather go on a mountain adventure or and under the sea adventure.  We then wrote our own walking story about which one we would choose and why.  Ask me which one I wrote about.

Math - We talked about making 10's and learned a fun adding and subtracting game called, Balloon Pop.  We also worked on our very own google slide about 2-D shapes.  We did a slide for each of these shapes; circle, triangle, square and rectangle.  For each shape we wrote the name of the shape, how many sides, how many corners and put 3 pictures of objects in the real world onto the slide.

Science - We did a few magnet experiments this week.  We learned what a magnetic field looks like and we learned the most objects are transparent to magnetic fields.  We learned that opposites attract and like repel.

Social Studies - We took a google earth tour of Iqaluit, Nunavut.  We learned that:
1. the land their is rocky
2. covered in permafrost
3. Iqaluit is located on Frobisher Bay
4. They have the Arctic Ocean there
5. There is a river called the Sylvia Grinnell River

Have a great weekend!