Here is what we were busy with this week:
Reading - In reading groups we practiced boggle, which is when we have to find words in a group of letters. We also did a secret code with our spelling words. We practiced sounding out words and reading out loud when it was our turn to read.
Writing - We talked more about writing instructions and using the transition words to go from step to step.
Math - We talked about the calendar and practiced saying the date. We also talked about estimating and using a number line.
Science - We looked more into hot and cold. We talked about our human body temperature and if it changes that means we are sick.
Social Studies - We learned more about Saskatoon. The early settlers came to Saskatoon because of the rich soil, the South Saskatchewan River, and the railroad. We have found that Saskatoon is similar to Calgary because it is a big city with a river, many hotels, and lots of restaurants.
Happy Weekend :-)