Dec. 6 - 10

Hi Everyone,
We had another great week!  Here is what we did:

Reading - In our reading groups this week we practiced our spelling words in a few different ways. We did sentences with them and figured out how much each word was worth.  We continue to practice reading to ourselves and picking out our own "just right" books.

Writing - We completed our final walking story this week.  It was about our favourite celebration.  Ask me which one I chose to write about :-)

Math - We are looking at place value and how to write numbers in expanded form.  For example:
157 is the standard form
100 + 50 + 7 is the expanded form

Science - We are officially done our magnets unit!

Social Studies - We are continuing our work on the Inuit of Iqaluit.  We learned about their traditional housing and clothing.

Have a great weekend!