Sept. 13 - 17

Hi Everyone,

We had a great week of school.  All of us in the classroom are getting more comfortable and used to the routines, structure, and getting to know each other.  Here is a quick glimpse of what we were doing:

Reading and Writing - We are sharping our reading and writing skills tools by going over the single letter sounds for when we are decoding and sounding out words.  We have gone over these letters, sounds and words so far.

a - at, ate, all

c - can, city

d - did

f - for

g - go, gem


Numeracy - we have started doing Magic Number.  This is to practice and further our understanding of number sense.  We started at 0 and we have done all of the way up to 8.  For each of these numbers, we are practicing:

1. Writing the number

2. Writing the number word

3. Drawing tallies to represent that number

4. Representing that number in a picture

5. Using 1's and 10's blocks to represent that number

6. Writing 3 number sentences that equal that number.

Patterns - we continued our lessons on repeating patterns.  We have talked about what makes something a repeating pattern:

1.  It needs to repeat at least 3 times.

2.  It has a core.

3.  It can keep going and going.

4.  It is predictable.\

Science - We have talked about the small crawling and flying animals that are found locally.  We even went on a search of our school yard to find some of them.  These are the student learner expectations we have started to cover so far:

Social Studies - We are learning some mapping skills.  Ask me what a compass is and does.  We learned where North, South, East and West are on a map.  We also learned that maps have a legend that includes symbols to help the reader understand the map.

Please go to the homework tab for the homework for this upcoming week.